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CORE Multi-Purpose Penetrating Lubricant


Core Penetrating Lubricant is available is 1, 5, and 55 gallon containers.

Core Lubricant can be used on metal, plastic, vinyl and most rubber.

Core lubricant stays in place for a long time extending the application schedule 

Made with extreme pressure and anti-wear additives for heavy duty service.  

Inhibits corrosion.  Resists weather conditions, acids, salt, steam, water washout.

Core lubricating film will not dry, harden or evaporate.

Core Lubricant is essentially non-conductive

Works in temperatures from -110◦F to 380◦F.

Essentially non-flammable, non-toxic and biodegradable.

Safer for workers than lower flash point products.

USES: chain, cable, wire rope, hinges, sliding doors, metal work, air tools, hand tools, threads, locks, light bulbs, outdoor gear, guns, bicycle chains, boats…

APPLICATION: Easily and quickly applied by brush or sprayer.

SAFETY:  Core is a mild eye and skin irritant. Wear protective glasses and gloves. Do Not Ingest.  If swallowed, call physician immediately. 
See MSDS for all information regarding safety.

Core Switch Plate Lubricant Specifications

Appearance..........................................…….. Amber
Flash Point .............................................…..  390°F 
Auto Ignition .............................................…  555°F
Pour Point ....................................................  -80°F
Freezing Point .............................................  -110°F
API Gravity ...............................................…  24.8
Kinematic Viscosity at 40° C ....................…  20.04
Coefficient of Friction Mu Value ..................  .23/.25
Four Ball Wear Test ................................….  4mm+.02
Four Ball Weld .............................................  220 Kg
Weld Point (ASTM266) ................................  315 Kg
Rust Resistance (ASTM D-665) ...................  Pass
Hydrochloric Acid Fumes (7 Day Exp) .........  No Metal Loss
Environmental Impact ................................... Biodegradable
Precipitation ..............................................…. Trace
Toxicity .......................................................… Non-Toxic
Copper Corrosion Test ..................................  1a
Dielectric Strength .........................................  27
Load Wear Index ...........................................  32.93    


Pricing for Core Synthetic Multi-Purpose Penetrating Lubricant

4 oz aerosol can      Call for pricing
12 oz aerosol can    Call for pricing
1 gallon jug               Call for pricing
5 gallon pail              Call for pricing
55 gallon drum         Call for pricing


Please call for more information:  (402) 676-0535